Monday, September 21, 2009

Nick Pitera!!

So... I drew Nick Pitera. I'm not sure if it's done yet or not...
But I like it :D
I think I will try and get some more drawing stuff and eventually fill in the background :)

If you don't know who Nick Pitera is....
Here's a sample :

He's singing the Glee version of Don't Stop Believing.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Getting back to the basics

Well I'm back at school now and consequently living away from the crafting and card supplies. So, I've been left to my own devices and gone back to drawing. Here is a drawing of Spock I did over the early part of the summer. I have no formal drawing education or anything like that, so try not to judge me too harshly :)

(In actuallity it is much lighter since I drew it in graphite, so I used the computer to darken it )
I apologize for it looking kind of blury. But I don't have the original file on hand so I had to save a copy of a smaller image of it and then enlarge it in this window.
Anyway. I really kind of like it and I think it's the best thing I've drawn to date.

ciao for now